I just made a tweet on twitter “we can solve problem using a new thinking pattern, not the old one when the problem just appeared, Albert Einstein”, Well actually Einstein didn’t say that literally, but the meaning is just like that. The point is we need to keep growing and learning to overcome many problems in our life and that requires new knowledge with a new perspective.
Following success people especially business experts on twitter is one of the ways to get new perspective. Here are 100 business experts you can follow on Twitter:
Inspiring Entrepreneurs and CEOs 1. @zappos:
Hear from Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh on this feed for personal and professional news.
2. @richardbranson:
One of the richest and most successful businessmen in the world, Richard Branson talks about his business on this feed.
3. @jeremys:
Co-founder and CEO of Yelp, Jeremy Stoppelman talks about business on this feed.
4. @arrington:
The founder of online site TechCrunch, Michael Arrington maintains this feed full of online business news.
5. @timoreilly:
Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media, Tim O’Reilly shares his opinions and interesting news bits here.
6. @RickM:
Rick Myers owns and operates the job site Talent Zoo. Use this feed to follow his moves around the nation.
7. @Schooley02:
This feed will help you learn more about Internet marketing and entrepreneurship.
8. @ev:
What would a list of business experts on Twitter be without including the CEO of Twitter?
9. @gcolony:
CEO of Forrester Research George Colony posts on social media through this feed.
10. @kevinrose:
Embrace your techie side with tweets from this feed by the founder of Digg, Kevin Rose.
11. @mashable:
This account from the CEO of Mashable posts all kinds of tips and tools for making the most of Twitter and other social media.
12. @pierre:
Learn more about Pierre Omidyar’s philanthropic projects as well as his role in founding and running eBay.
EntrepreneurshipWant to start your own business? Tweets from these entrepreneurs can help.
13. @barefoot_exec:
Carrie Wilkerson is a strategist for work-at-home professionals, giving advice in her feed on getting started on your own home business.
14. @RobMcNeely:
Get politically charged entrepreneurial news from Libertarian Rob McNeely.
15. @deniseoberry:
Denise O’Berry’s feed is a great place to find tips on making more money in your business.
16. @FranchiseKing:
Thinking of starting your own franchise? This feed from franchise expert Joel Libava is ideal for finding information and advice.
17. @brianmoran:
Find advice geared towards entrepreneurs on this feed from small business expert Brian Moran.
18. @deanjones:
On Dean Jones’ feed you’ll get advice, coaching and help for starting your small business.
19. @entrepreneurbiz:
Entrepreneur Susie Pitt gives tips on web development and technology for business owners.
20. @GeekEntrepreneu:
This entrepreneur will inspire you to pursue your own projects with his varied interests and businesses.
21. @entrepreneur:
Greg Krajewski aims to help, communicate with, and promote entrepreneurs on this feed.
22. @EntMagazineAmy:
Amy Cosper is Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine, and you can hear tweets from her on a variety of topics here.
Startups and Venture CapitalIf you want to give a startup a try or find a little funding, you can get a wealth of information from these experienced businesspeople in their feeds.
23. @StartupGuru:
Check out this feed for tips and tools for getting your startup off the ground from expert Brian Tsuchiya.
24. @sacca:
Investor Chris Sacca shares his business advice and a whole lot more on this feed.
25. @JayNeely:
This Boston entrepreneur has a lot of experience with startups and shares some of it here.
26. @onstartups:
Entrepreneur, blogger and developer Dharmesh Shah offers his advice for starting a business.
27. @upstartpdx:
Get tips on starting your own business from this entrepreneurial junkie.
28. @StartupExpert:
Expert Constance Drew works with business owners to help them grow bigger and better businesses.
29. @startupprincess:
Female entrepreneurs should give this feed from Kelly King Anderson a try for tips and advice.
30. @AlexanderLaw:
Learn about everything from entrepreneurship to business funding on this helpful feed.
31. @frankidurbin:
Hear from Franki Durbin on running a business and investing.
32. @bijan:
This Twitter board member offers his take on life, technology and venture capital here.
33. @markpeterdavis:
Check out this feed for the inside line to this NYC venture capitalist.
34. @danielkehoe:
Here you’ll find technology and business advice, as well as more personal posts.
Young EntrepreneurLearn how to start your first business venture while still in college, using help and inspiration from these business moguls.
35. @entrepreneurpro:
Benjamin Lang explains how to make money on the web using this Twitter feed.
36. @teenbizcoach:
This tweeter is head of Teen Entrepreneur Coaching and offers some great insights for young businesspeople.
37. @chrispund:
This young entrepreneur will give you tips on making money from your dorm room and beyond.
38. @sumaya:
Here you’ll find the feed of a successful young woman hoping to share her knowledge with other young entrepreneurs.
39. @michaeldsimmons:
Check out this feed for great tweets from this award-winning young entrepreneur.
40. @thebizguy:
Adam, cofounder of Young Entrepreneur, gives tips on getting started in business here.
41. @YEInterviews:
Follow this feed to learn how other young entrepreneurs got their start.
42. @lildanny:
This tweeter is only 22 years old and already a CEO. Learn more about his work from this feed.
Social MediaCheck out these feeds to learn more about using social media like Twitter and blogging for business.
43. @JohnChow:
Learn about making money from blogs from one of the best on this Twitter feed.
44. @problogger:
Wanna know how to blog like a pro? Check out this feed from advice from blogger Darren Rowse.
45. @MariSmith:
This social media speaker and trainer will help you better understand how to use social media.
46. @wbaustin:
Learn more about SEO and Internet marketing from this tweeter’s feed.
47. @dsifry:
This online business mogul and founder of sites like Technorati shares his insights into all things techie here.
48. @sebprovencher:
Sebastien Provencher posts regularly about web and social media on this feed.
49. @shoemoney:
Jeremy Schoemaker will show you how to make money and blog better.
50. @JeanAnnVK:
Business owners hoping to learn more about social media should check out this feed.
51. @StefanW:
This social media fan tweets about lots of topics that can help aspiring startups and business owners.
52. @aaronwall:
Check out this feed to learn more about SEO from Aaron Wall.
53. @copyblogger:
Learn more about what it takes to be successful in the blogging world through this feed.
54. @randfish:
CEO and co-founder of SEOmoz, Rand Fishkin tweets about social media and startups on this feed.
Tech EntrepreneursFind a wide range of technological and internet business advice on these fees.
55. @rseanlindsay:
This CEO and technologist shares his insights on this feed.
56. @r27:
This Creative Labs founder will point you in the direction of lots of great online resources.
57. @WillieCrawford:
Founder of the The Internet Marketing Inner Circle, Willie Crawford is full of advice on how business owners can better use the web.
58. @ginatrapani:
This blogger and software developer shares her insights here.
59. @Jason:
Online entrepreneur Jason Calacanis maintains this personal and professional feed.
60. @gsterling:
Check out this feed for tips and links from internet analyst Greg Sterling.
61. @kelkelly:
Kel Kelly is a mom, blogger, entrepreneur and more and you can learn how she balances it all from her feed.
62. @davesnyder:
CEO of Second Step Search, Dave Synder, gives his thoughts and advice on the online business world here.
63. @calbucci:
This business owner has founded numerous online businesses, a process you can learn about through his tweets.
64. @jowyang:
Check out this feed for advice from this Silicon Valley entrepreneur.
65. @guykawasaki:
Business mogul Guy Kawasaki shares interesting stories and technology-related business advice on this feed.
MarketingYou can’t sell a product without good marketing and these feeds have some great tips to offer.
66. @patrickbyers:
Learn more about marketing from this CEO of a marketing firm.
67. @PingTweets:
Yuping Liu-Thompkins tweets about psychology, marketing and technology.
68. @chrisbrogan:
President of New Marketing Labs, Chris Brogan, shows you how to better use the web for business marketing here.
69. @ScottAllen:
Scott Allen is a social media expert who wants to help businesses better market themselves.
70. @allenweiss:
The CEO and founder of MarketingProfs.com tweets here.
71. @ducttape:
John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing offers tips for small businesses on this feed.
72. @derickson:
Give this feed a try for advice on web marketing.
73. @y2vonne:
Learn to better market to women with a little help from Yvonne’s feed.
74. @oudiantebi:
This feed will help keep you in the loop when it comes to promoting a business online.
75. @brianadrian:
Try out this feed to get some ideas on social media and web 2.0 marketing.
Business Coaches and AdvisorsGet a little coaching in your business ventures from these professionals.
76. @bizmomcoach:
Women staying at home can learn how to run their own business with tips from this mom.
77. @AllCoachReview:
Become your own business coach with the links found in this feed.
78. @Rob_Moshe:
This business and life coach can help you get your business back on track.
79. @SteveBorek:
Build a new business or improve the one you have with help from this feed.
80. @Glenn_Dobson:
Learn how to increase your sales and be a better manager with guidance from coach Glenn Dobson.
81. @achristensen:
Follow this business coach to get some great advice on doing things better around the office.
82. @DorisKovic:
On this feed you’ll find tweets to inspire and motivate you to be a better leader.
83. @mariaandros:
This CEO wants to empower and teach entrepreneurs from around the world how to better do what they do.
84. @AndrewWindham:
This business coach is a speaker, entrepreneur and CEO to boot.
85. @RonDavies:
Check out this feed for advice from Canada’s top business coach and Internet entrepreneur.
Business WritersThese Twitter feeds are home to tweets from those who’ve written books on a range of topics related to business.
86. @shelisreal:
This writer and speaker shares his knowledge about Silicon Valley business in this feed.
87. @stevenbjohnson:
Here you’ll find a feed from writer and serial entrepreneur Steven Johnson.
88. @donnafenn:
Author of Upstarts! and contributor to Inc. Magazine, Donna Fenn is a great source of information on entrepreneurship.
89. @pamslim:
Pamela Slim is a business coach and the author of business-focused books. Check out her feed for great business posts.
90. @tferris:
Author of the best-selling 4 Hour Workweek, Tim Ferris maintains this great feed.
91. @Gladwell:
While not always business-focused, author, speaker and researcher Gladwell will give you plenty to think about with this feed.
92. @tamar:
This tweeter is not only a blogger and social media mogul, but a published author as well.
Finance and Economics
Follow the markets, get tips on finance and more through these feeds.
93. @WSJNumbersGuy:
This feed will help you more closely examine the numbers in the markets and politics.
94. @ericfruits:
Hear from this economist on a wide range of topics on this feed.
95. @crazymrkts:
Get East Coast-focused tweets on the markets in this feed.
96. @SuzeOrmanShow:
Whip your personal and professional finances into shape with advice from this author and expert.
97. @darrenlabrum:
Follow the big financial news stories with this feed.
98. @Nouriel:
Professor at Stern School at NYU, Nouriel Roubini, gives his take on a range of financial and business issues here.
99. @MarkThoma:
Learn more about economics through this expert’s tweets.
100. @arnavsheth:
This economist posts a wealth of interesting financial tweets.