Hi there, welcome to my blog called makemoneyblog-tips. Actually I'm using this blog for my commitment of my personal challenge to become a millionaire in 90 days. I started on December 24th 2010. Let say I'm using this blog to make some important notes of my real steps so when it works, I have already the track record of my journey from zero.
I know it sounds crazy, 90 days? well I just want to proof that as human, we have unlimited power or great potential to become anything we want to be. So wish me luck guys, hope I can make it this time, and here are some things you should know about my steps I've already done.
December 2010
Reprogramming my unconscious mind in 90 days.
Keep making Quantum Leap EVERY DAY.
Building a habit of abundance feeling
some points to lower the resistance - help to enjoy process n relax
write down the attracted results
January 2011
Turn visitors using free blog into cash in an easy FREE way
using videos to get free traffic - simple procedure.
Free classified ads, hey that's not bad !
Focus on quantum leaps as indicator to maintain the momentum
Get FREE system to make one million traffic.
PS ; there is something going on that happened to me on my day 8th, 9th, 10th ... until now, hope this is a good sign .
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